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EHE Academic Review Committee - October 2023

  1. Don Pope-Davis, Dean and Committee Chair
  2. Ann Allen, Associate Chair, Department of Educational Studies
  3. Noelle Arnold, Senior Associate Dean of Equity, Diversity and Global Engagement
  4. Kelly Robinson Crawford, Chief Administrative Officer
  5. Brian Focht, Interim Chair, Department of Educational Studies
  6. Drew Hanks, Professor, Department Human Sciences
  7. Laura Justice, Professor, Department of Educational Studies and Executive Director, Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy
  8. Pete Locascio, Executive Director of Undergraduate Education
  9. Nicole Luthy, Chief of Staff and Director of Strategic Operations
  10. Antoinette Miranda, Chair, Department of Teaching and Learning
  11. Leslie Moore, Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning
  12. Erik Porfeli, Chair, Department of Human Sciences
  13. Natasha Slesnick, Associate Dean for Research
  14. Tasha Snyder, Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs
  15. Binaya Subedi, Associate Chair, Department of Teaching and Learning
  16. Jerri Sutton, Director, Budget Planning, Office of Finance and Business Services
  17. Winston Thompson, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Studies
  18. Brian Turner, Professor, Department of Human Sciences
  19. Andrew Zircher, Institutional Research Manager