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Submitting Program Requests

Submitting Program Requests

Program requests include requests for new majors, minors, specializations, or non-degree programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as changes to existing programs. Such requests are initiated by faculty, and with the exception of non-degree programs, and are submitted to the approval workflow site, Requesting a new program is a complicated process. Assessment and Curriculum staff are available to advise faculty about the steps to approval.

Many factors influence the information that is required for a program request and the steps in the approval process. Program characteristics may necessitate approval by additional review groups. For example, any undergraduate minor intended to be available to Arts and Sciences students must be reviewed and approved by The College of Arts and Sciences.

Program request process

Program Proposal Resources

Following are links to curriculum handbooks and guides, which provide outlines for what is required of a new program proposal. New program requests must include completed concurrence forms, or letters or emails of concurrence from any unit on campus that has an interest in the subject matter of the proposed program. Concurrence issues should be resolved before new program requests are approved by the unit head.


New and Revised Undergraduate Majors or Degrees

New and Revised Graduate Majors or Degrees

New Undergraduate Minors

New Graduate Interdisciplinary Specializations and Minors

Curriculum committees will examine the program request to ensure:

  • Have all components been provided as required by appropriate curriculum handbooks?
  • What are the credit hour totals? Can students complete the program in a timely fashion?
  • Has concurrence been obtained?
  • Does the proposal include an assessment plan for the program?
  • Do requirements and courses align with program goals and learning objectives?
  • What are the conditions to enter the major?
  • If the program is proposed to have subplans/specializations, should the name print on students' transcripts after graduation?
  • Has there been consultation with servicing units? Is there assurance that the needed courses will be offered and open to the students in the new program?
  • How does this program compare with similar programs at benchmark institutions?
  • Does the proposed program put OSU on the forefront?
  • How do changes impact students?
  • Is the proposal neat and free of errors?