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Upcoming Federal Work Study (FWS) deadlines

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Upcoming Federal Work Study (FWS) deadlines to note:

  • The last day for FWS students working spring semester to earn FWS funding is May 7, 2022. This is the end of the academic year, and there are no exceptions to this date. Timesheets for the final week of the academic year must be approved by May 10 to be paid correctly with 2021-22 FWS funds.
  • The first day students may earn FWS funds for summer is May 8, 2022. This is the date various systems will begin to utilize enrollment and FWS offer information for summer, as opposed to spring. FWS student employees working from spring into summer need to be enrolled a minimum of 6 credit hours and have accepted their 2022-23 FWS offer.
  • The quickest and most accurate way to confirm a new 2023 FWS offer has been accepted is to ask your student for a redacted copy of their 2023 Aid Summary.
  • For FWS student employees returning in autumn after a summer break, it is best practice to terminate FWS employees May 7 and rehire them in autumn, as leaving their hire records open while ineligible risks paying them with departmental funds. If they are working over the summer on non-FWS funds , they must be moved to a new position to ensure correct funds are allocated.


Please feel free to discuss with your human resources consultant how best to move forward with these student hire records. Please review the student financial aid website for more detailed information.

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