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Adobe CC for student employees

Wednesday, July 03, 2019

The Office of the Chief Information Officer has worked with Adobe to provide a university license for Adobe Creative Cloud. This license covers all faculty, staff, GTAs, GRAs, labs and classrooms. Faculty, staff, GTAs and GRAs can use their assigned license on up to two devices, including mobile devices. Students can use Adobe applications in a lab or classroom.

This university license does not include student employees at this time. Therefore, if you have a student employee who requires Adobe products beyond Acrobat Reader to perform their work, colleges are required to purchase an additional license for each individual student employee.

The EHE Office of Information Technology has purchased an initial pool of licenses for student employee use.

If you supervise a student employee who needs to use Creative Cloud for their work on an EHE computer, including Adobe Acrobat for editing PDFs, please submit a request for a license.

Adobe Creative Cloud licenses are subscription based and must be renewed and requested each year.

Request student employee license

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