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Guide to creating an eStores eRequest using a Quote

Thursday, June 13, 2019
  1. Get a Quote from your eStores Vendor
    1. Contact the vendor for a quote
    2. They will send you a quote of what you requested, and you attach this to the erequest that you submit.
  2. To submit an eRequest through eStores:
    1. Go to
    2. Click New Request
    3. Click the Red eStores Button and click OK on the popup window.
      E-Stores logo
    4. Click Supplier Websites at the top of the page and scroll to eStores My Quote option
      Me Quote option
    5. This brings up a search bar to enter either the quote ID or the requestor’s email. We suggest using email as sometimes the quote ID is entered with additional information.
    6. Find the quote for the services you would like to proceed in ordering. Note, if the status is Pending Admin Pre-Approval you will need to wait until the vendor approves the request on their side, which often takes a day.
    7. Click on the green Express Checkout button on the left side
      Express Checkout button
    8. This will bring you back to the eRequest page, Fill in all the details as a normal request:
      1. Reason for event
      2. Location, Date and Time of event
      3. A list of names of individuals coming to event (if this is unknown, let know what the target demographic is invited—Undergraduate, graduate, faculty, public, etc. If you have a flyer an RSVP invitee list email that would be good to attach as well)
      4. Attach the quote received from Panera to the request.
    9. Once you have added in all the information you have, click continue and then click submit for approval.

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