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Year-end reviews
With the Performance Management Year-End Review period currently upon us, your HR team would like to remind you of the deadlines, steps and available resources.
Deadline: The Year-End Review is due June 30, 2022, for staff employees.
What needs to be completed: The 2021-22 Year-End Review requires both:
- Employee to complete: Employee competencies self-evaluation, Year-End comments and signature.
- Manager to complete: Manager’s comments on employee’s competencies evaluation and ranking, Year-End comments and signature.
Please do not sign the review until both parties have completed the evaluation, comments and have conducted a meeting for the review. Signing prior to all steps being completed will lock the review.
To complete the Year-End Review:
- When beginning the Year-End Review, you will see the two Performance Goals and the one Professional Development Goal at the top of the page.
- The employee and manager will numerically score and provide comments for each competency.
- The employee will provide Year-End comments for their Performance and Professional Development Goals at the bottom of the form. The manager will provide Year-End comments for the entire evaluation at the bottom of the form.
- Should the Professional Development goal be incomplete due to COVID-19 related issues/cancelations, please list this reasoning in the comments and reassign for the following evaluation period (July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023).
- Conduct the Year-End Review conversation (in person or virtually). During this conversation, the employee and manager should share feedback, highlighting strengths, areas for growth, and establishing goals for 2022-23 performance year.
- To complete the Year-End Review, both employee and manager should sign the review.
In July, you will need to enter new goals into the employee’s 2022-23 review. Goals do not roll-over from year-to-year. We will send a reminder email to complete this.
To access the annual review, Staff Performance Management.
Please contact your HR Consultant with any questions!