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Update on Faculty Availability Affinity Group

Friday, February 14, 2020

The Faculty Availability Affinity Group, focused on advising and mentoring, has an update and call for members. This active and dedicated group of faculty and staff meet monthly to design experiences, like the advising event in October with a national expert, that will help EHE become more inclusive and welcoming to undergraduate and graduate students through improved advising and mentoring.

This semester, the group is working on a project that came out of requests for more information about advising: an online training in advising best practices with a focus on students from historically underserved groups. Future plans include a fall EHE major fair event for survey students, a formal assessment of advising, advocating for a greater emphasis on advising in annual reviews and a college-wide award in advising.

If you have suggestions or want to get involved, contact co-chairs Bryan Warnick and Colette Dollarhide.

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