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Benefit Updates

New Retirement Videos Help Employees Plan for the Future 

Human Resources is introducing four new retirement videos to help new and current employees save for the future. New faculty and staff can learn more about selecting a mandatory retirement plan. Current employees can better understand their retirement plan and how to manage investments as well as learn about fees and how they impact your retirement savings. The videos are on the HR YouTube channel and the HR website.

Employee Assistance Program Enhancements

The Ohio State Employee Assistance Program (EAP) has new and expanded resources to support employees and their families on a wide range of challenges, responsibilities, and concerns. With a new online member portal, online tools, well-being and work-life resources, the Ohio State EAP offers a variety of services to help make your life a little easier and less overwhelming. Eligible employees and their eligible family members have access to counseling services, resource locators for child or adult care, tools to improve financial wellness, legal services, travel planning assistance, cleaning services locators, professional development, and much more.

Reminder to Reduce the Cost of Medical Contributions by Earning 2023 Premium Credit

To earn the full 2023 premium credit, complete a verified biometric screening and the Personal Health and Well-being Assessment (PHA) by Dec. 31. You can reduce the cost of your medical contributions by $25 per month, or by $40 per month if your enrolled spouse also completes these steps.  For more information, please review the YP4H website.  A screening can be completed either with your primary care provider or at an on-campus event.